What my T-shape says about me
This “T-shaped Individual” was created in order to display what types of media influence my design process, and the areas in which I draw inspiration from. While creating this T-shape, it became very clear to me that the images selected are very futuristic and otherworldly. The reasoning behind this is that I have always been a big believer in the thinking that it is possible to make anything if you step back, and consider how it would be constructed part by part, and what exactly it is that would be required to make it work.
An example of this would be the ferrofluid clock located on the central column of the T-shape. Using a combination of electromagnets, and “ferrofluid” (iron filings suspended in oil)this gives the liquid in the clock the ability to travel up from the reservoir at the bottom, and form numbers as if by magic. The clock may have been created because its inventor may have had the idea, that since ferrofluid is attracted to magnets, maybe it can form shapes?
The image above the ferrofluid clock is a robot chef that is designed to replace your kitchen. This robot is designed to create any food that its user desires. The robot has been pre-programmed with hundreds of recipes, and only requires the ingredients to be loaded in, and the machine will prepare and plate the food without any further human interaction. Furthermore, in the future the designers want it to be able to record anyone cooking, so the community is able to upload their own recipes for everyone to enjoy. If something like this was to be implemented into homes around the world, everyone would be able to enjoy any food that they wanted, at any point in the day with the simple press of a button. However, while this would be an amazing step forward for technology, this could potentially mean that many restaurants would be shut down because of the lack of customers. Due to the fact that they would be able to get the same, if not a greater quality of food prepared for them within the convenience of their own homes.
As we continue to explore the T-shape, we realise that it isn’t all futuristic, and modern technology, but also things from the past and present day. The reasoning for the inclusion of the Rubix cube and Leonardo da Vinci’s notes is to show that these individuals created things that were way ahead of their time. The Rubix cube was originally created as a device to explain three-dimensional geometry to architectural students. Upon the “magic cubes” creation, it then took Rubik a month to solve his own formula. The “magic cube” that was originally created was then marketed as a toy which is still massively popular forty years after its creation. While Leonardo da Vinci was hundreds of years ahead with his world-changing designs. Most notably the first ever design of a parachute, and that of a concept flying machine which is shown in the picture. This is also where the right brothers took their inspiration from for the worlds first ever recorded successful flight.